Agada Tantra

Agada Tantra & Vyavahara Ayurveda Department (Toxicology And Medical Jurisprudence)


Agad-tantra is one of the branches of Ayurveda that deals with the detail study of diagnosis & treatment of poisons due to snake, insect and animal bite along with different artificial & cumulative poison. Department also deals with study of medical jurisprudence.


• To provide quality education to the undergraduate students.
• To create awareness of medico legal aspects in clinical practice.
• To impart skills to deal with various cases of poison.


• This subject provides knowledge of identification of toxic plants & animal along with their clinical features and management.
• Implementation of medico legal aspects in clinical practice.


• Well equipped museum with models, charts, weapons and specimens including poisonous plant, animal, acid-alkalis, metals etc.


• To pursue higher studies MD, PhD for research and academic purpose.